Sunday, 14 June 2015

Harry Potter Concertina...

Hi guys,

The project for this weekend has been really fun to make and I have to do another one! 
By the way...I'm a COMPLETE POTTERHEAD!!! If Hogwarts had accepted me when I was eleven...I would have begged the sorting hat to put me into Ravenclaw...I love blue!!!

On Friday we were watching Harry Potter Order Of The Phoenix  (normal every day thing at our house)! And I challenged myself to make a concertina book dedicated to my favourite set of films EVER to upload onto the PaperArtsy competition for the remaining week of the latest competition which is...hidden objects.

So let me show you round my mini Hogwarts...

It's supposed to say Unicorn Blood with a little Philosophers Stone on the top!

The hidden element of this is the letter to Harry from Hogwarts...It actually has a letter in it! 

These are just some of my favourite lines from the best films ever made! (My opinion!..don't rage)! 

The products I used...

Tiny Vial (unknown manufacturer)! 
Sheets of card...the range (100 sheets for £2)!
Cosmic Shimmer Black Pearl PVA 
Liquid Pearls Silver Pearl...Ranger
Glossy Accents...Ranger 
Treasure Gold Classic and Onyxite
Tiny corrugated cardboard...ANYWHERE!
A little red gem sticker thing bought from Tiptree Cheap Shop
Little Black Dress and Pewter PaperArtsy FF paint
Mini jump rings...Franklins.

Wow!..this was quite a lengthy post! I'll try to keep it less wordy next time! Right so...there is is and I hope you liked it...If you've got any questions about this then leave a comment and I'll get back to you. Thanks for reading:).
ArtymeB Xxx.

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

A Little Beach Hut Bird House...

Hi Everyone,

Really sorry I haven't posted for a while and I have no excuse!..but that has meant I've been able to make a few things so I should be able to post regularly for a little while.

Now onto the good stuff...

I've had this idea in my head for a while but haven't had the 'that will go there...and this will go here' kind of plan...until the other day that is! 
A couple of weeks ago, we went to Mersey on the ferry and I spent my time looking for real cool and tiny shells! I found some really pretty ones along with a handful of seaweed! 

So here it is... I wanted to have a suitable background to take the pictures. As we live by the sea...I knew where to go!..the beach! 

The entire bird house was painted with PaperArtsy Chalk then a little Crackle Glaze, and one dry...a bit of sage. The...'sun...sea...sand' stamps are from JOFY 16.

You may notice that the stand is a little glass vial with a tiny shell in it is close up.

The net on the roof is just half of a crabbing net bag. All these elements are stuck on with Glossy Accents. And the stamp ink I used was Jet Black Archival Ink. 

Hope you like this...sorry once again.
You know where I am if you've got any questions:).
Arty hugs,
ArtymeB Xxx:).