Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Scrappy box frame...

Hi everyone,

I made this after school yesterday but didn't have time to show you all, so here it is...

I wanted to do something different to painting and have a stack of scrap paper so decided to cover a frame with them.

When I had covered it, it looked bare so added some stitching with pen to join the paper together. Then made a flower to put in the top corner with a hot glue gun and finished it off with a button. 
There is always room for a button!..

Hope you like this,
ArtymeB xxx.

Monday, 23 February 2015

My new arty space!..

Hi everyone,

So excited about my new cozie little corner!.. Mum and Nan were walking with the dogs while my sister and I were at school today and found a desk for FREE on someone's front garden!..they rushed home and took the car to fetch it! 

This was a lovely surprise to see when I got home as I have had a rubbish day, only one lesson was alright and that was PE! 
So spent the evening 'dressing it up' and making it more homie... I think it looks okay with the chair I upcycled which was also FREE and falling apart! (Lucky the colours were the same!).

Hope you like my new little space:),
ArtymeB xxx.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Another flat floral canvas...

Hi everyone,

Here is another flat canvas I made using Fresco paints again, JOFY and EEV stamps. 
I really enjoyed making the first one using no end of colour!..Wanda really did release colourful creative juices!

Hope you like this one:),
ArtymeB xxx.

Saturday, 21 February 2015

Flat floral canvas...

Hi guys,

Today's project was kind of a try it and see how it turns out sort of thing inspired by Wanda Hentges use of colour on her vase the other night over on the PaperArtsy blog...

I can't tell you what paint I used; there are so many in this that I can't remember them all! But I can tell you that I bought the canvases in a pack of 4 or 5 in the Works.

Hope you like it,
ArtymeB xxx.


Thursday, 19 February 2015

Ladybug frame...

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to share today's project with you all. 
During the course of today my family and I poped over to Tiptree and visited the cheap shop where I found a pack of three Artemio 5x7 cm fames, a mini spritzer and two stencil brushes.

I got the idea for this entry in Leandras first post on the PaperArtsy blog where she showed us what Jo Firth-Young (JOFY) had made with the PaperArtsy was a frame she decorated using a JOFY flower stencil.

Mine however uses stamps from Darcy set 13 (spotty-bean-thingy is used to create the ladybug (This was an idea Darcy blogged on her blog Art and Sole)) I was so inspired by this stroke of genius that I thought I'd give it a go!
The undercoat on the base of the frame is Guacamole and the top coat is Limelight...the small dotted details are just spots of China, Glass Blue and Smurf...with pearls!..oh yeah...and to finish it I varnished the whole thing with Satin Glaze:).

Hope you like this,
ArtymeB xxx.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Upcycled tin!..pencil pot stylie!..

Hi guys,
I would like to share with you todays project...upcycled tin inspired by PaperArtsy blogger Jo Myhill...I loved the idea of reinventing a tin to make it into whatever you want! 

The 'pencil' sign is intended to be paint splodged, it defiantly should be there;).
But I like how it turned out after the accident:). 
I painted the (once was dog food) tin with Smurf, a new PaperArtsy paint and the owl from JOFY 15 is painted with Amethyst (JOFY limited edition 2 paint).

Hope you like this,
ArtymeB xxx.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Just to say...

Hi everyone,

Today's project is this...a tag card I made with the new Paperartsy paints and stamps.

The two flower heads were made using the wing from the bird on EM 12, one of Darcys new stamps.
I can't really decide whos PaperArtsy post inspired me the most, all the ladies that have posted so far have showed various techniques, skill and especially colour!..I will try to adopt as many of those skills as possible over the next few days:).

Hope you like it,
ArtymeB xxx.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Little lavender frame...

Hi guys,

I've been a bit busy this afternoon playing/experimenting with the new Darcy set 13 which mum bought me as an early Easter present last Tuesday. 
So I made this...

...a little lavender frame.
I got the idea from Leadras opening post on the PaperArtsy blog in the picture with the small vile in the box /frame thingy.

I'm calling it a lavender frame because I'm not 100% sure what the flower heads are but I like lavender and they are painted with the new PaperArtsy Lavender!

Hope you like it,
ArtymeB xxx.

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Art is Everything...

Hi everyone,

One of my more recent makes is this 4x6 PaperArtsy box canvas I painted with fresco paint (PaperArtsy) and jazzed up with minuscule pearls, dots of snowflake paint and silver liquid pearls, with some zig-zag stitches around the edge of the brayered panel.

I'm so excited... This PaperArtsy challenge is a to do with paint! Leandra showed so many awesome things to do with paint so that really wound me up and pointed me in the table direction! 

I'm sure by now you all know how much I love paint, especially blue paint so I thought 'why not!'.watch this space for more blue messyness over the next few days.
To me, art is everything and I'm sure that most of you reading this share the same view. 
With art you are free to express the side of you nobody knew existed! I find it a relaxing escape from a hard day at school mostly.

Hope you like this and thanks for all your comments,
ArtymeB xxx.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

I've been shopping!..

Evening guys,

Sorry I haven't posted for a little while:(... But I haven't been all too crafty this week.
So I thought to kick start the creativity I would go shopping!..and bought PaperArtsy paint!..5 new ones and snowflake! 
Smurf, China, glass blue, wisteria and lavender (all AMAZEBALLS colours and I can't wait to 'play' with them!
I also bought washi tape (love washi tape!),
Stix2 hot glue gun refills (not very interesting but WAY better than ordinary PVA), PaperArtsy Lin Brown stencil 001 and 2 PaperArtsy minis...Darcy EM 12 and JOFY JM 43.

I had a fun day shopping at Birds in the barn, watching a demo experimenting with the paint and stamps:) it's my turn to play!

Speak and share makes soon,
ArtymeB xxx.