Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Haberdashers badge...

Hi guys, for the past two weeks Paper Artsy have been running a 'fragile papers' competition which ended last week. For the next three weeks the theme is 'shiny stuff'(just the word shiny makes me happy!:)). 
One of my (hopefully 2+) entry's is this...a haberdashers cotton spool badge:). Inspired by Leandra's post on Sunday 18th. 

The thing that got my inner magpie sense activated was when she said that we could use metal and treasure gold, (two of the many on the list, but these were my favourite!). Also, to kick start the shiny side of the arty juices, There is a video attached showing you LOADS of things you can do in the shiny category, I didn't know there were so many!

Hope you like it:).
Speak soon, but for now have a great arty day and I hope this has inspired you to route through you draws (pardon the pun!) and creat something shiny:).

ArtymeB xxx.

1 comment:

kaybee said...

Love the quirky-ness of your project, very original!