Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Simple Birthday Card...

Hi everyone,

First of all...I'd like to say that I got the title of nans award wrong...Instead of unsung's actually community safety! Sorry!..

Now to the arty stuff...

This was made with scraps of orange paper I TOTALLY forgot about, with Pearl Glaze, Gloss Glaze and Satin glaze (in order from bottom to top!). The flower head was from ELB 16 (PaperArtsy Lin Brown). The happy birthday was from JOFY 14. And a button! All on brown card!..brown card is amazing!..

Simple but in my eyes effective!

Hope you like this and you have any questions then just shout!
ArtymeB Xxx:).


1 comment:

sally said...

Love the colours of this card :-)
