Thursday, 31 December 2015


Hi guys,

Sorry I haven't blogged much over Christmas but as you can probably imagine, I've been a busy lil Bee as I'm sure you all have been to. 

I'd like to take this opertunity by wishing you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you all have a happy and healthy 2016 full of fun and laughter.

Speak to you guys soon,
ArtymeB:) Xxx. 

Friday, 4 December 2015

Counting down to Christmas...PaperArtsy project...

Hey guys,

I have done another project for PaperArtsy, this time using master boards an it is called 'Counting down to Christmas'. 
Here's a peek at a lil section...

If you wanna see the full post then copy and paste into the link bar thingy!..

Hope you had/are having a happy and safe December 4th and I'll speak soon,
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

DECEMBER 1ST 2015...

Hi guys,

I'm totally buzzing and CAN NOT WAIT for Christmas...24 days!!!
13 days 'til our birthday and I CAN NOT GET DOWN FROM OFF THE CEILING!!! 

I hope you had/are having a safe December 1st and I shall be back tomorrow to spread some more festive cheer.
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Saturday, 31 October 2015



Here is the pumpkin I carved the other day with a vegetable's the Oogie Boogie man from 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' which is Amy's favourite Tim Burton film. The innards were all squishy and it smelt pumpkiny but it was fun to squish! 
Anyway, have fun this Halloween and stay safe!
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Friday, 2 October 2015

Funky tie day...

Hey guys,

I'm SUPPPERRRR sorry that I have t posted in like...FOREVER!

Dad had a funky tie day at his school and I had the idea that I would make him into a walking Picasso.
This tie day couldn't have come at a better time; PaperArtsy's newest challenge is 'Wearable Art'...ooooo.

He gave me a plain tie that he didn't really wear much and I painted that.

I started with this...

Believe me...My corner looked like the kitchen towel and newspaper fairy had decided to come and just go BAM! Oh yeah...and a shirt inside out so mum wouldn't see all the paint slats it was covered

Here's the end thing...

Dad being the model!

Close ups...

Sorry the last picture is a little fuzzy; dad wouldn't stand still!

Dad and I hope you like this. If you have any questions please ask.
Until the next time folks,
ArtymeB:) Xxx

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Badgering about...

Hey guys,

IT'S ME AGAIN!!! I said I'd be back soon!

Do you know the story...The wind in the willows?..if you do YAY! If you don''ll know a little bit by the end of this (hopefully:))

Any who...the pens, pencils and utensils pot I made a lil while back I said came from the Doctor Banardo charity shop just round the corner from Nana's house. 
I can't remember whether I said that she also bought a wooden Badgery thingy as well as the pot.

Would you like to see it?..


We weren't sure what it was. Nana and I thought it was a guinea pig, Dad and Grandad thought it was a badger, Mum and Nan thought it was a Jurassic Hamster and Amy thought it was a tail-less mouse.
After a long time starring at it, we decided it was a Bager!  

As The Wind In The Willows' four main characters are...Ratty, Mole, Toad and Badger...I thought it would be a fun idea to make this lil guy the Bager...complete with specs in true Willows stylie.


Onto the blank model, I added grunge paste to the textured areas (side of head & back) and dabbed paint with a sponge. The colours were...PaperArtsy Snowflake, Little Black Dress and Elephant.  
The spectacles and eyes came from the Tiptree Cheap Shop and onto the white areas and feet, I added a little shimmer with Dreamweaver metallic powder 'Moonstone'

Hope you like this and if you have any questions please ask and I'll get back to you ASAP.
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

My pen won't stop doodling!..

Good morning,

My head stopped spinning so I'm back with another Zen it's spinning again!

I enjoyed my 'happy mistake' mini birds soooo much that I wanted to draw a bigger version...that...and I was bored this morning!

So here it is...

Sorry if the pictures are a little bit blurred.

Another doodle for the PaperArtsy challenge. 

Will be back VERRRRY soon with a special woodland friend from a tale I'm sure you all know.
Until the next time folks,
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Spinning right round...doodle stylie...

Hi folks,

Here is what I've drawn today, I'm a zen doodly kinda person but Amy is completely different as you know.
I don't like doodling in anything other than black pen and I HATE colouring with pencil...don't ask why...I don't quite know the reason!

These two are for the PaperArtsy challenge; they include circles and doodles are allowed! you go...
This is the first one I drew.

The birds on this one were mistakes but happy mistakes...they were supposed to be leaves but I was like...NAH...this leaf is bird worthy!

Here's my second zen doodle. It's not as extravagant as the first but my head was spinning with all the circles so had to stop.

Hope you like these and I might do another doodle by my head has to stop spinning first!
If you have any questions please ask and I'll get back to you ASAP.
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Circles and Squares!..

Hi-de-Hi Campers,

(I'm trying to change the introduction a

Yesterday's make was this...

...a tiled canvas frame focusing on the theme of circles. 

The tiles were made using PaperArtsy 4x4 greyboard and cut into lil squares (sorry if you can see some slices in the tiles; the craft knife wasn't playing ball)!

After cutting them, I then stuck them on with Glossy Accents and left them while I had lunch! 

After lunch...the tiles were dry so it could then get to decorating them. YAYYY!

All the tiles were done with a base of Snowflake (now I'm not sure if it was needed).

Once that was dry, I then cut pieces of paper the same size and tiles and stuck those on randomly.

Painted the remaining squares (left to right) with...London Bus, Tango, Sage, Smurf, Orchid, Wisteria, (Grunge Paste, Guacamole, Bora Bora, Sherbet and Lavender.

Onto the completed tiles I stamped, stencilled and experimented! 
That should actually be on a studio wall...
Stamp, Stencil and Experiment!

The scratchy circular stamps and round cog-like stamps are Ellen Vargos and
the other stamp is a JOFY mini.
These were printed in Archival inks, Jet Black, Coffee and Olive.

Painted the JOFY stamped images with a lighter version of the base colour...(top to bottom) Cheese Cake and Yellow Submarine, Antarctic and Mermaid, Moonlight and Lilac.

The only stencilled image colour is Amethyst.


Whatever I could find in my embellie stock that looked round! Oh yeah...and a little bit of Stickles and pearl glaze. Then as a finishing touch I added flicks of Bora Bora and Pewter to the whole thing before screwing the board onto the frame.

Hope you like this and if you have any questions please ask and I'll get back to you as soon as I can,
ArtymeB:) xxx.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015


Hi everyone,

Here is a little congratulations card for a friend who got terrific marks on her GCSE exams this year.

It's also the start of another PaperArtsy challenge and the topic for the next two weeks is...Circles, so I thought it would be an ideal opportunity for me to encorporate the theme in this card.

The circles are PaperArtsy Ellen Vargo stamps for two different plates (sorry, I can't remember the numbers of the top of my head)!
The background stamp colour is Wisteria and the big circles are just scraps of paper with some book text thrown in, stamped in Jet Black Archival ink and stuck down with double sided tape.
I can't remember the brand name of the  congratulations stamp as the packaging was thrown but it's a good one with others for different occasions and times of the year.


Hope you like this and if you have any questions then please comment below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Until the next time folks,
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Pens, Pencils and Utensils...

Hi guys,

Here's something I made yesterday with a 49p thing Nana Joy bought for me from the Doctor Banardo charity shop just round the corner from my home away from home in the hope I'd up-cycle it.

If you can remember...a while ago I made a pencil pot out of a dog food can. All my utensils out grew it so it was time for a new one!



I think the idea to put the cork board on the side is ace (if I do say so myself) I really enjoy making notes and I don't even need to get up to get a piece of paper!

The white base is PaperArtsy Chalk and the other two are Smurf and Lavender.

All the buttons, strips of paper, sign and cork were stuck on with Cosmic Shimmer PVA glue however the cork was also screwed on for extra stability. The 'wood rounds' paper was stuck on with red double sided tape from The Range, the screws you see on there are for decoration; I thought they looked cool!

The screws were bought from the Tiptree Cheap shop and are SUPER handy. I've only two left...NOOOO!lol

Hope you like this and if you have any questions please ask but if you know what this thing was before its face-lift, please tell me! 
ArtymeB:) Xxx. 

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Holiday Make...

Hi guys,

The last post said we were on holiday but in actual fact, we are back. It wouldn't post until we got home because of the poor service we had where we were staying...sorry!

Here is the only thing I made while we were there...

...a little tag made with PaperArtsy paints, a hot pick stamp, a JOFY stamp and Darcy leaf stamp.

The leaves were glazed with gloss glaze and the flowers in pearl glaze. One of the bottles are 3D mounted and they are painted in watered down PaperArtsy blues and greens with Metallic Glaze and Glossy Accents. 

Sorry it's a short post today folks, IT'S SO HOT! I think I'm gonna relax now in a shady spot! Enjoy the sun while it lasts though:)
Hope you like this and if you have any questions then please ask.

ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Nail'ed It!..

Hi everyone,

Over the past week or so, I've been hankering to paint nails!..all I seem to be doing on Pinterest at the moment is pinning nail art designs!
I have little stubby nails so it doesn't work on mine but the women in my family are blessed with long voluptuous nails so it was only right that they became my guinea pigs!

First up is...AMY!!!

On Pinterest I saw a butterfly pattern that I quite liked and so did Amy so...that was the one we chose to do:).

The nail varnishes used here are all from 'Claire's' they have a sale on at the moment...I think it's in every shop...All nail varnishes £2 INCLUDING the £5 liquid metal polish (only one coat to be fabulous)! AND EVERYTHING is 3 FOR 2!!! So we stocked up, buying...umm...6 Please don't judge me...THEY WERE PRETTY! It didn't cost me £12 it cost me...oh yeah...and Amy £8.

The tiny dots were done with a dotting tool you can also get from 'Claire's'...ALSO IN THE SALE!!! Whoooohooooo!!!

Second person if you please...NANA JOY c'mon down!!!

What I liked about doing Nana's nails was...I CHOOSE! She said I could do what I wanted how I wanted and with whatever colours I wanted to use!
But I did ask if she liked the general idea before painting! 

Only the White you see here is from 'Claire's' this time...I wanted to shake it up a little bit! The other two colours came from the Rimmel London stand at my local chemist...these were £2.99 each.

Finally...Give a hand (see what I did there?!) for...MUM!!!

I thought these were SOOO cool and fresh but simple at the same time!

The base was the 1 coat wonder...Bronzy liquid metal nail polish courtsey of 'Claire's' and the splatter nail polish was also from 'Claire's'. 
While we are on holiday here in Norfolk, we went to Norwich on the train from the Reedham train station. While browsing round the shops...guess what we saw!..A 'CLAIRE'S'!!! Mum and I stepped foot into teenage heaven (as ya do) and snooped out the polishes! One of the lady's working in the shop came over and started talking to us and showing us her favourites...mum really liked those ones so bought the three she pointed out!..the 1 coat wonder, black and white splatter and lilac glitter polish. I bought three completely different ones! Red, sequiney polish and silver glittery polish.


Hope you like these and if you have any questions then please ask. 
Happy arty'ing from us here in Norfolk!
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Time To Draw...

Hi guys,

I'm suprised I've posted TWICE today! I never do that! you go! 

Post two...a wooden pencil case I recently found with 'lost things'.

I painted the whole thing in Chalk (PaparArtsy paint).

As the topic for the PaperArtsy challenge this time is 'Time' I thought it was quite appropriate that I'd focus on that theme.

To cover the top I covered it with a thin layer of Grunge Paste and stamped a PaperArtsy Hot Pick Script Stamp into it. When it had dried, I coloured it with various grunge pastes and then Grunge Pasted clocks using a stencil, then coloured that with Onyxite Treasure Gold.

This part is a Ellen Vargo sketchy stamp in Chocolate Pudding with Treasure Gold an an embellishment.

Hope you like it,
ArtymeB:) Xxx.


Timeless Sketch Book...

Hi everyone,

First of all...sorry if I've shown you this before...I can't remember if I have or not!

I made this a little while back now but forgot I had it until today when I was cleaning up 'my corner' of the conservatory and the little art cupboard in my room. 
There it with a pile of 'forgotten' things at the back of the cupboard.

It was just a simple blue and brown brayered background with a Gorgeous Girl stamped and painted in coordinating colours with a second face 3D mounted on foam pads.
The clock is a Tim Holtz die and clock stencil on the background in Chocolate Pudding (PaperArtsy fresco finish chalk acrylic paint).
And to finish, an Ellen Vargo PaperArtsy stamp printed onto the tag in Metalic Glaze.

The clock was coloured with Tim Holtz Distress Ink.

I hope you like this and if you have any questions then please don't hesitate to ask.
ArtymeB:) Xxx.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

An Assortment From Amy...

Hi Everyone,

I said I'd show you all another fabulous drawing from Amy today, but she is treating you to two new ones and the finished Alien picture.

Amy is here sitting right next to me drawing one of her celebrity 'baes' while I blog.

You all saw this one in the early stages last time and Amy wanted me to post the finished thing as she is proud of it and so am I and the family.

This next picture is of a dinosaur...I have NO clue how to say this name! Post-office something! But I like just the same!

The final drawing is of Thoothless, Cloudjumper and Stormfly...three Dragons from How to train your dragon 2.

Here are all three pictures together

We hope you like them and if you've got any questions for Amy then please don't hesitate to ask.
ArtymeB and Amy:) Xxx.